Serving Palm Beach County For Over 35 Years


Hurricane Preparedness

Hurricane Preparedness

Hurricane PreparednessHurricane preparation plans are important for all families and are especially important for families with loved ones that have special care needs. In order to be fully prepared for a hurricane, it is important to determine evacuation routes, transportation needs, emergency supplies and address the individual needs of all family members and pets.

If you plan to evacuate:

Things to discuss with your Home Health Care Nurse
If you plan on evacuating during an incoming storm you should discuss your plan with your home health care nurse to establish a reconnection plan after the storm, a point of contact number and whether or not you will need traveling home health care services for your family member(s).

If you are a patient with extensive needs such as daily oxygen or IV therapy and or you are dependent on ventilators, you should discuss these needs with your physician and home health care provider to ensure these items are accounted for in your plan.

If you have plans to evacuate to a shelter it is important to already have a shelter or shelters in mind to evacuate to (please see our resource list below). When evacuating to a shelter you should have a copy of your current home care plan of care as well as a primary caregiver, medications and special dietary foods and medical supplies if necessary.

For Pets
If you anticipate evacuating during an incoming storm you should also have a plan in place for pet care in the event that you are unable to bring your pets along with you. You can use the resources below to contact your local Humane Society or Animal Control Department to more information.

If you plan to ride out the storm:

If you plan to ride out the storm at home with a family member with special needs you too should take all of the same steps mentioned above. It is also very important that you have adequate food and water supplies for the entire family and pets for several days. After the storm you could be faced with limited emergency assistance, flooded streets and lose of communicate devices that require you and your family to be self-sufficient for 7-10 days or more in worst case scenarios.

Expicare Nursing has developed an extensive list of important resources to assist you in your hurricane preparation plan below. If you would like more information regarding our home health care services please contact us to discuss your individual needs today!

Palm Beach County Hurricane Resource Contact:

Palm Beach County Emergency Mgmt. 561 712-6400
TDD (Hearing impaired) 561 712-6343
Red Cross 561 833-7711
Sheriff 561 688-3400
Building Dept. 561 233-5000
Animal Control 561 233-1200
Victim Services 561 355-2418
Hotline 866 891-7273 TDD 561 355-1772


Insurance Hotlines

Florida Dept. of Financial services 877 693-5236
State Farm 800 732-5246
Allstate 800 255-7828
Citizens 866 411-2742
Nationwide 800 421-3535
USAA (Military) 800 531-8722


Hurricane Shelters

Palm Beach County Shelters